Different Sources of Pain and Wellness

Sources of pain
1. family problems. feeling like an outsider. being told I am wrong. 
2. financial problems. not having enough money. 
3. tooth pain. 
4. back pain.  
5. romantic problems. missing a romantic center. 
6. health problems. missing my health centeredness. 
7. not looking beautiful. when how I feel is not reflected in how I look. 
8. not feeling beautiful. when how I look is not enough to combat the pain. 
9. ear lobe pain. 
10. emotional wellness. 
11. panic attacks from fear that the good things around me will disappear

Sources of wellness
1. good skin
2. good nutrition
3. good doctors
4. no pain 
5. good physical therapist
6. good dentist
7. good boyfriend
8. more sleep
9. knowing I am good with boyfriend 
10. being in beautiful places that help me

Current status:
1. Coronavirus has put everything on hold 
2. Focus pre-coronavirus
  • moving forward with career
  • moving forward with travel
  • moving forward with Jonathan
  • looking for tooth help 
  • sexual health issues
3. Focus during sheltering in place
  • abs and diet
  • applying to jobs
  • looking at abroad possibilities 
  • envisioning peaceful situation with Jonathan 
  • overcoming incredible tooth pain every day
  • sleeping enough
  • dealing with the panic attacks
4. Focus right after shelter in place
  • touch Jonathan and resolve those problems
  • move abroad
5. What are the things contributing to my panic attacks?
  • pain won't get better
  • finances won't get better
6. The things that would make my panic attacks worse
  • lose my family
  • lose Jonathan 
  • lose job 
  • not pass the bar 
7. The things that would make my panic attacks less during this time: 
  • good job offer
  • abs


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